Sunday 20 September 2009

My choice for a 'Horror' Movie trailer

Well here is my decision for a horror movie trailer, it isn't exactly the type of horror you would all expect. It also branches into the thriller side as well (Most horrors do). My choice is '1408' this film starring John Cusack and Samuel Jackson was very creepy and imaginative. This film is based on a short novel wrote by the horror novelist Stephen King. Due to my low stomaching of Horrors this was the only one I enjoyed to watch. If you haven't seen it, it can put you on edge and is quite well done for a horror style movie. Enjoy.

After studying around with how trailers should look and deliver we were asked to use our horror trailer and see if it meets the certain criteria that was written on the sheet.
The genre was given to be a horror/thriller movie because of the fast editing and unusual things involving deaths etc.
The name of the movie was given at the end of the trailer, 1408 written on a door as it is a hotel room.
It showed some of it's production values saying it was based on a book by Stephen King which is a well known horror novel writer. After it showed two main cast members including Samual L Jackson and John Cusack which both are top actors especially Samual Jackson.

The trailer itself doesn't indicate a specific audience but if it had to go with something for what it shows would be a 18-24 age audience. It doesn't show a lot of violence it is mainly chills and thrills which I think could maybe go down to an audience of 16 year olds as well as the movie is rated 15.

With the music that was played with the film, you can definitely feel a sense of supernatural or disturbing exorcist like themes. Throughout it there is a sense of tension being built on it and in my opinion made me feel at the end that I wanted to see the movie to discover what it was all about. There is a partial voice over which is there to bring some spooky/epic ton to it but there is dialouge from Cusack and other supporting characters. The characters were introduced by the voice over and a little back story was explained to which is good at grabbing the audiences attention further.

From what we have been reading and studying of trailers and how they should be, I think it is a good example in all the areas we have covered.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting choice Sean. Horrors are fascinating from an academic perspective, so I hope you will enjoy studying them.
