Tuesday 17 November 2009

My Horror Movie Trailer idea

Nightmare at Enorf
Who thought all colleges were great? A young girl, Jody Harper is a shy guy who had moved with her family from Scotland down to the Norfolk area in England. She came in on her first day at Enorf College; a lot of the students tend to give her disgusted looks but the teachers remained happy. Whilst her first day there she saw many students being handled by teachers in a very violent fashion but she continued the day as it didn’t happen. She lives her life as normal and passes each college day, she made a few friends whilst her time there. But still came across aggressive teaching staff along the way.
But as the weeks past she started to see less of the people she once came around to know, at the end of a term Jody left her film class to go to the toilet but on her travels finds a spot of blood on the floor. She follows it and it leads to a room, which she believed was the boiler room. She hears a teacher talking about their method of success by murdering the loose ends that aren’t doing so well by hiding it through bus trip casualties.
Police themselves have been investigating these odd occurrences of murder within a short period of time. But there are no connections with any of the many deaths and disappearances of the missing kids even the police force lost men when visiting the college in asking of questions. They lay suspicious.
She takes time over a couple days hiding the fact she found out that the college murders students who don’t do well and hide up their deaths. She is in dangerous territory herself as she isn’t an over great student, she is being hunted by the college. And the world needs to know the massacre the college is up to. As an attempt to call the police one of her friends were killed off in a sign of warning and for her to live her life like she never discovered anything.
Jody eventually looses her mind and stands to fight these serial killing teachers with brute force. Gore and bloodshed await the victims but is it Jody to be next?

1 comment:

  1. This blog is looking good Sean. You need your audience research and you need to wrap the text around the images so that the layour is more comfortable to read. Also finish labelling.

    Good work though,
