Thursday 25 February 2010

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challange forms and conventions of real media life products?

The stills on the left are from our teaser, and those on the right are from professional teaser trailers.
1)In the picture we can see some conventions of horror, we see bright white lights that are meant in this case to portray a sense of freedom to the victims in the room. It is of course motivated lighting and is of a low angle this can suggest the victims being weak and helpless, I believe that most horror films if a light source is shown it shows the last remaining life they have.
1)In our shot which is similar in most ways, we wanted to portray the fact that this is the victims life and its slowly fading (the light actually turns off) and compared to the original ares is more darker to show a sense of more danger and getting to freedom is far more challenging.

2)In this picture we can see some feet being dragged away which is very typical of the horror genre, you have a mysterious killer dragging away someone's corpse, low angle shot with low key lighting which is as well common to be seen in the horror genre
2)In our shot it is slightly different, we wanted to show a higher anger to show more power towards the mystery killer and it makes the victim more weaker as well as being dragged down the stairs. The lighting is darker and towards the bottom which we wanted to make the audience feel that, that is where he will never escape from. There is a black and white feel to it which we wanted to make it distinguish what parts of the movie are the killers to that of the victims whose remained in colour.

3)In this shot we can see a dark forrest with a masked killer chasing a young female (typical horror/final girl? etc) and with a blunt weapon which will most probably be the weapon of choice throughout the killings. There is some lighting going on the killers face but he still remains a mystery and a low camera angle makes him feel more powerful and strong and continuing having the victim week.
3)In our shot we took things differently we shot from behind the killer still maintaing the feel of mystery as to who it is. We used a similar iconic blunt weapon to go along with what classic horror or slasher uses. The victim is tied up and powerless to stop him which ties in well and with a slightly higher angle to feel more dominance from the killer. We continue with the same white and black colour scheme to show that its the killers, it gives it a feel of insanity and madness that he has no colour in the picture and earlier with the victim there is colour.

4)In this shot we can see motivated lighting as it is day time and you can see everything is fine but we get the sense of who the character is (the final girl in this one) and showing the innocence of this character and nothing was done by the characters part.
4) In our shot we wanted to show a similar feel or a killer looking through the window and seeing his new victim at work, we wanted to establish who the main victim is and the innocence behind him. The shot from outside made it look like it was through the killers eyes and gave the impression of a weird stalker.

5)In this shot we only see a mask the thing about this is in horror, is that sometimes in slashers the killer has a mask to hide his/her (mainly male) identity away from the audience. This brings in tension and unease because throughout you want to know who the killer is. Some low key lighting put more fear into the shot and make it look much more sinister.
5) With our shot we wanted to make that sort of impression, we used the iconic mask from that of slasher horror movies to give the audience a mystery and unease. There is a dark background and blood on the mask to continue putting an unease to the look of the mask. If you look closely you can see the eyes give a light reflective glare which makes the killer look emotionless even if we can't see his face underneath. The black and white colour scheme goes well here as it compliments the emotionless face with a lack of colour to go with it.

6)In this picture we can see a high angle shot looking over the victims which gives the feel of power to the unknown killer. It is slightly canted which gives the connotation of madness and unease, which is typical in most slasher horror genre movies. Dark environments give the sense of entrapment and no bright lights to resemble freedom.
6)In our shot we have a high angle looking over towards the victim in the distance we make this as if it was through the killers eyes. It is also canted to a great degree which like the other gives a sense of insanity and unease from the killers part. We have motivated lighting coming all around to give the sense of freedom to the upcoming victim this also gives it the feeling of his innocence along with the colour scheme being actual colour to distinguish that he is sane.

7)In this shot we have very little in terms of lighting and we can see the victim, in the background we have a mirror showing the image of something there watching her. Its a good catalyst to bring unease to the audience that they saw it and she didn't as well as a tension build up to a possible scare scene.
7) In our shot we have a mirror reflecting the image of a body being hung up with blood on the torso this shows a sign of torture to the body and it seems lifeless. It gives unease to like the other relating picture because it shows how sick the killer is which is what horror tries to do. We have the colour scheme still there as its in the victims part but we also still wanted it to show that he was still innocent. There is low key lighting and damaged glass with a very grubby texture environment to give a weird atmosphere.

8)In this shot we have a colliding factor with horror daylight torture being shown which goes against horrors typical low key lighting nighttime setting. But it shows the victim tied and powerless to do anything, with blood coming down the face and the face showing a sense of fear towards the situation.
8) In our shot we have a victim tapped to a chair carrying the same helpless concept and is rocking back and forth showing signs of fear and terror inside the victim, it is filmed from the killers eyes which brings in our black and white colour scheme and we can see a light down the bottom to show a connotation of the victims last remaining breathes. A dark and grimy room continues to give a sense of unease about it all.

1 comment:

  1. 1 - it's not a high angle, it's low, and I'm not really clear that the still uses any horror conventions. Also please state the films the "professional" trailer stills come from in each case.

    Otherwise you make some good points although you mainly explore horror genre conventions rather than teaser trailer conventions. Can you add some discussion about how your product works as a teaser - eg what narrative and chanracter components you have decided to reveal, and what to keep back, and how you have tried to get your audience to be left with a desire to see the film?
