Thursday 25 February 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

As a whole I  believe that from a promotional standpoint that all three of my products tease audiences with my horror movie 'Untouchable'. From my poster I believe it shows a professional poster feel to it. It establishes the genre of the movie, the production values (Directors/Producers etc all in the strapline), the theme of the movie and a strong tagline which was not featured in the trailer because of time problems with the group, but what I came up with is something that I believe would be ideal to that of the concept to the movie. The tag-line itself delivers that needed scare in order to entice my audience and draw them in. From a marketing point an effective way of delivering the sense of horror to the poster is by incorporating some of the key elements of the genre and the style of the movie. I think the audience will see that this is a horror by the distinct blood red color writing and the use of shadows and blackness for the background. The pictures deliver a sense of unease as the faces show no emotion which can go in benefit to the overall effect. The poster is ideal in terms of teasing the audience as well as hiding any key plot driven elements so that the target audience will go and see this movie.

The actual teser trailer provided a paced and mysterious style to it which accompied by my audience feedback successful got them teased to see more. The teaser itself does a good job at providing the theme and genre of the upcoming movie as well as showing how serious it is in terms of stunts and blood. It features a similar dark atmosphere that is carried over with the poster. The teaser also shows many things that have been incoporated into the magazine/poster. The dark eery atmosphere shows us a more demented world and the fact of low key lighting putting a bigger scare in the trailer and poster. The mask makes an appearence throughout the trailer and is in all 3 materails. The idea behind this is for us to associate it with horror and to show who the audience should believe what the killer looks like.

The most appealing thing about the teaser trailer is its soundtrack which took a while to conjure up, I hope if people where to watch it listen to it carefully, it starts a bit up beat then eases its way into a more classical feel which is more of a classical horror and what my group had intended to portray is the killers insanity with such calm music while he kills people. We think it adds more depth and personality to his character and it could make the audience feel somewhat threatened.

The movie magazine however provides a more suspicious view on the killer but also brings in a horror feel with bold red fonts and clear gradient standing title fonts which is a style I carried over with my horror movie poster. I still used images showing that of the masked killer, but this one I done differently to the others (Poster and the concept in the film) where the lighting around the killer wen the pose is shown i much brighter then that of the poster and the killers entire feature throughout the trailer. In the other products I made a dark evil sort of approach to them both and with the magazine I wanted to make the public who see this (who have maybe seen the poster etc) would be caught by it. It would catch their attention cause I am showing a possible lighter side to the killer which could make for a gripping cover.

I took a similar approach to existing horror movie releases and their products I made sure to stick with the one thing that is going to make it eye catching and enticing which is the masked killer in this case. By a teaser/poster/magazine covers you are shown different parts of the killer from his sick personality to his brutality etc, and that is the main focus point for the teaser trailer. We want the audience to understand his character and identify with him with what he does for a living. Some things are hidden from the audience, who the killer actually is, why does he kill, what grudge is their to have against the innocent people.

To promote all of my products I would use the concept of making toys and collectables to appeal to the mass audience and bring in extra revenue. Original Soundtracks from the movie as well as any other tie in merchandising would be crucial in order to gather an audience and help sell the movie without relying on the poster and trailer as a whole.

Publicity is another way of trying to promote the movie, this could be done by interviews with fellow cast/directors or crew. It would give an insight to the overall movie as well as snippets of footage or teases to help drive the audience to see the movie. Newspapers and press need to be established and with interviews can gain publicity through the headlines and through magazine/paper previews etc. Screenshots of production or the actual movie stills would be another thing the marketing company would consider in terms of capturing their audience.

The distributors plan to releasing a movie around the summer period would be ideal, for investment because of the summer holiday period. This will allow them to gain a higher profit because of more viewings, and the age certification would be a 15 which when taking the summer period into the concept this would be ideal for gaining the extra viewings. As the target audience is around 16-24 this would come across a lot more age groups as it being a 15, the more people the better in terms of profit. With the bonus of the summer occasion the more people will end up going to see the movie and this all relies on an effective marketing plan with the teaser trailer and poster.

In all I think all three products give the audience enough information but not to much information on the genre, theme, characters, production values etc and establish a very professional look and will tease the audience enough to want to see the movie as well as read the magazine regarding it.

1 comment:

  1. You have to situate these products in the context of a marketing campaign organised by a distributor. You need to see the trailer and poster as closely allied advertising materials which reinforce the main marketing strategy for the film, and the magazine cover as part of the publicity you would attempt, as the distributor, to generate. Re-read the marketing materials and look at
