Thursday 25 February 2010

Movie Magazine Research

In this section I will do something similar to that of my poster research and I will get a few magazine covers and see what I believe would be best in order of approaching. I have decided that I would want to make a new issue on an existing magazine rather then make my own.

The first movie magazine I have found is from Empire, I looked through their covers and found two from theirs that are quite different from one another. The first one is with the LOTR cover, in terms of looks it is overall very simply laid out, it had 3 iconic characters from the movie in front of a white cloudy background with write writing and simple fonts and other pictures relating to LOTR. Looking at it, it is quite the busy cover and it could use less writing around it to give it some area to breathe.

The second Empire move magazine cover is quite a bit different in terms of looks and even in style, firstly the fonts are more suitable to its new look. The colour pallet has changed as well going to a more navy blue look and a neon like glow around the people/cast of Sin City, the fonts for the movie are in thick bold writing. To go along with it's theme at the bottom we get a sort of 30mm film strip going along the bottom and in between are some of the features in this issue which gives it a unique look.

This magazine is 'sci-fi now' and it is basically anything relating to sci-fi movies/tv (Also goes along with odd movies such as dark knight etc for examples) so I counted it as a magazine I could use in my research. It is far more bloated with content which drags it away from a visual spectacle, it has far to much writing and this isn't a good thing as you want the magazine to attract the viewers and get to the point on the features in this magazine. A clean white look to it with a picture of a lead lady is a nice front cover on it's own but this one puts a couple pictures in the bottom which kind of makes that area crowded. The fonts are very clear but the amount of writing again is a bit much for a front cover. I need to make sure I don't go along a similar path because as long as you have a attracting picture, the writing will be needed less.

Total film was my next place to find a magazine cover which had another look to it that made it unique.To start off with I found one of recent which involves Avatar, the front cover blends well with theme of the movie with a calm blue background which is a softer colour from the alien race from the movie which allows the image to step out more. The difference about this cover to that of others I have shown is that it has a lot less on (not as less as the Sin City one) but it makes it more welcoming to the human eye. The use of fonts are normal and neat and the colours are a pallet of grey and white allowing them to stand out of the blue. To me this is a great example of a clean and simply effective movie magazine.

The last one I found is from Total film again but this time I found it different due to it actually having very little writing similar to that of the Empire Sin City cover above. But in this case the image is what deals the justice as everyone who loves their movies would know that the image they are seeing means theirs new information regarding it. So just a title and a few words are need and it delivers an eye catching piece. Fonts have gone a little larger this time to cover up the space that more titles would have occupied. A difference here is the use of a poster advertisement in this one on the top above the masterhead which is overly large and this is to grab your attention and to entice you to pick up the magazine. I would want to achieve this but not on such a large scale, but getting a person to buy it is the main outcome and to do that big fonts and gripping pictures are required.

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