Thursday 25 February 2010

Untouchable Finished Horror Poster

This is my finished horror movie trailer poster to go along with the trailer 'Untouchable' the poster only really contains two pictures which are from the killers face and the victims. The layout I done was inspired by that of 'Faceoff' it was a move I saw long ago and remembered the poster and I thought it would be good to give a sense of good vs evil on the poster. 

Photoshop was used extensively to help make all the titles and the strapline etc, to get the image as it was I had to darken it a lot and use the burn tool etc this created a dark shadow effect for each side of their faces and I felt brought another layer of fear for it.

Overall I was pleased and thought it brought a strong horror look to it as well as mystery to go along with the teaser and magazine cover.

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