Thursday 25 February 2010

What have your learnt from your audience feedback?

We had a screening in front of our target audience which were in our target of the 16-24 years of age group (They were around 17-18), we showed them our teaser trailer in return for audience feedback on what our teaser done good and what it done bad at to help us improve or take into consideration for upcoming trailers that could appear.

-The music was very good and provided a lot of suspense (Negative comment by another regarding a lack of tension in the music but a good use of bangs to make it more gripping)
-It was a slightly different approach with the music it aimed at a more classical tone to horror and it was executed very well.
-One problem that was noticed was a jump in the music during the beginning of the dragging scene it starts quiet and then jumps to louder as the track was meant to be.
-A personality can be shown by the music a calm and orchestral piece could suggest this is what the killers theme is like meaning he is fine when doing the killings.

-Canted camera angles throughout the trailer, as it is meant to portray the view of the killer it shows a more uneasy twisted approach to the audience.
-The shots from the beginning were good at establishing a setting and what the main focus is throughout the trailer.
-The editing construction worked well and the special effects complimented it.
-It needed more pace towards the end maybe a few more shots and then cut through them at a fast rate to give a more tension feel.

Mise en scene:
-The costumes were very well done, they look good and give the characters their personality and class.
-The locations are very well captured and shown well with the lighting to aid them.

Other feedback:
- The voice over was very well done and compliments the trailer well and gives a sense of narrative structure but enough to make you want to know more.
-Regarding the voice over, they feel that the laughing can come across as more of a cheesy laugh rather then a twisted one. It should be more paranoid by the killers voice, this would bring more unease to the trailer.
- A shot at the end showing me alive again for the actual ending but laying on the floor dead/unconscious before hand could be a wrong way of putting it, but the ending had the finishing touch to that of the trailer.
-It can lead away from slasher horror and go into the area of horror/thriller with its feel for cops and victims this was mentioned twice but as of modern movies not all stick to a specific genre but lead into others even if its a minor showing.
- The idea of leading away from the traditional final girl which can be linked in with the slasher horrors which could further link it as a cross genre but still lie with horror at its core.

In all from what can be read, I think what I have learnt is that we delivered a trailer that had a good use of camera angles (canted, close ups etc) a strong soundtrack to put a classical twist on it, overall I was pleased with the outcome of the product. Though we did get mainly positive comments we did get the odd negative comment, this was in regards to some odd pacing issues. Due to a change in story-line time after time it left us very little time on the finished idea, so if we had a week more on the project I think some things like the pacing and some music that cuts in differently would of changed. Some more scenes containing more gore could of been applied to keep it showing it is a standalone horror movie rather then a hybrid of a horror/thriller. I would of liked some more torture shots in and maybe a change of opening music (I didn't feel that it had quite the punch it needed to take the audience in) and a slightly different opening to bring in a more clearer narrative (The work place shot was slightly poor in terms of the lighting outside ruining the shot so you can't see through the window at the victim) .

I believe that all the feedback we got from our audience proved crucial to our way of thinking if we had the extra time to make amends on the teaser trailer. In the final cut version we only changed parts which some feedback suggested like fonts and sound cuts etc to give it that extra layer of polish. But as stated above some additional stuff I would of placed in to make the product feel complete. I still think we delivered a good product in the end and the feedback provided by the audience was very good and very constructive in helping us solve issues within the teaser.

1 comment:

  1. Be more specific and detailed about areas you would improve with more time. Get into the nitty gritty here. Also, how did you gather the feedback? Explain how you identified memers of your TA and got them to provide comments.
